Tuesday 10 June 2014

A Distant Past

 The view from the wimdows was panoramic. The sea, with its vistas of waves.. Ebbing and flowing, horizontally, stretching out endlessly, lay on one side. On the other, there were the skyscrapers. Stretching vertically, again endlessly up..Naina stood at the window, staring  out with unseeing eyes. An eagle soared in the skies, majestically, master of both land and sky. It swept over her head, as she stood. Its wing span, a huge brown blur, broke her reverie. With a start, she came back to the present. Ravi, lay on the bed. Slight snores indicated that he was fast asleep. Nearing the bed, she sat down beside him. Her face softened as she looked at him. In repose, at least, the frown lines were erased, giving his face a boyish look, belying his forty odd years. Tenderly, she touched his soft, black hair, sweeping it gently away from his face. If only, she thought to herself, life had been as idyllic as she had envisaged it. She loved him. Always had, since she had been a little girl and they  had lived and studied in the same neighborhood. When he married Divya, her whole world had come crashing down. Calling upon strengths of reserve she didnt even know she had, she attended his marriage. Died a thousand deaths seeing the elegant but shy bridegroom, so in love with his wife to be.  But even then she had known, somehow, that if she waited long enough, he would be hers.

In her heart she knew. Destiny would not be denied.

The years passed. Was she still in love with him ? She didnt know. All she knew was that she couldnt have stayed in the same city as him. So Mumbai became her new home. Time blurred her images. Of him. Of herself as she had been. Young, heart broken, with zero self confidence. Mumbai, that detached jungle, had been the saving of her. She got absorbed, its tentacles wrapped itself around her and the highs and lows of the stock market, the skills she learnt there put her back on her feet. No affairs for her. Her passion now was her work. As the years passed, she grew. Older, wiser, wealthier

No time for love. Parental pressures not withstanding she was not willing to give up her working life for marriage. At thirty five, everyone including herself, had given up on her getting married.

The day had been a very busy one. The markets had been on an upswing. She looked up as she heard her name being called. Then slowly rose to her feet. He stood there. Much the same, only more handsome with age. The callowness of youth replaced with a casual insouciance. Eyes riveted she could'nt tear them away from him, as he wended his way to her office. They stood smiling at each other, before he drew her into a hug, impulsively.

She dressed carefully that night.  It was her first date ever. With him. She got her reward when on opening the door, she heard him draw in his breath sharply. "You are still the most beautiful woman i know.." he said softly. "Liar." she reproached him.  "But I will admit its good to hear that from you.
You never saw me that way before."

Maybe distance does make the heart grow fonder. There we were, sitting across each other over a candlelight dinner. Friends from decades.. Yet strangers. Youth then and a mad passion, albeit one sided. A culmination of sorts, after two decades. The conversation flowed easily, like it always had between us. The difference now was the palpable undercurrents, the shaking of my knees, the slight tremor in his hand when he touched mine accidentally. Oh yes , a hitherto absent chemistry was in the

Reluctantly I asked about his wife. Then stopped him from answering. This evening was mine.. Ours. I was indulging a fantasy.

The night ended with him in my bed. But not quite as imagined. In the bathroom along with nature's call I  attended a  longish call from one of my investors. Emerging in my room I found
him fast asleep. All I had to do was to get in beside him. So why was I whiling time. Why was I not making the vital move.

He moved so that his back was now turned to me. I stared at him, the whole concept of having a naked man in my bed was so alien to me. Did I really want him there ?

The next day we sat across each other , yet again. Unfinished business I lied glibly. I'm really sorry. Maybe we could have dinner again sometime ? When he was next in town ? His eyes bore into mine.. My steady gaze must have convinced him for he left. I switched on the computer. Good gosh! The market was also cartwheeling towards the magic 25000 mark. I pulled my chair closer to the console. Im my heart was a strange kind of surge. Of pure happiness. I was the master of my ship.. The sole custodian of my destiny.