Thursday 31 May 2012

An Unjust God.

The evening was cool. A relief, because the day had been sultry and humid. The setting sun, highlighted the buildings, that shone darkly against the orange, set- ablaze skies. A concrete jungle, with skyscrapers standing like warriors in a battle field, sizzling after a hot day. People seemed to have spilled out from them, relieved to escape into the cool breeze emanating from the sea. The promenade  was crowded. The joggers and walkers in their tracks and tees mingling with the just- loitering jeans clad youngsters, the couples sitting facing the sea, their backs turned to a relentless world pulsing by.

The lady walking her two magnificent labradors drew many an admiring gaze. The obviously well cared for and well fed dogs, impatiently pulling on the leash, had her half walking and half jogging, trying to keep up with them. More so, it seemed as if they were anxious to get away from the small almost emaciated stray that persistantly followed them, though keeping an almost respectful distance from them. Once or twice, it did come up close, when one of the dogs allowed it to, both sniffing at each other, until the labrador tiring of this intruder, issued a short sharp, warning bark and turned to rejoin its mate. It's mistress paused, then turned towards the stray.  As it hesitated, she went up to it, then going down on her haunches, petted it, patting it's head and offering a packet of biscuits. Her dogs, circled her protectively, softly growling at the intruder. As it eagerly devoured the proferred treat, the lady moved on with her dogs.

The young girl sitting on the side, had watched the scene pensively. Brushing aside the hair, falling on her pretty face, she sighed. " Children of a lesser God" she thought. She watched the stray, that having finished the biscuits, looked wistfully at the now distant dogs its tail still wagging, its body drooping.

As night fell, she herded her small cousins into the car, preparing to take them back home. On a visit for the summer holidays, the little ones ranging from three to eight had literally taken over the home. They were boisterous, but delightful to have around. As the car stopped at a traffic signal, the littlest one sat back, leaning forward to take off her skates. As she was doing so, her elder brother pointed a small finger outside, "Look !" he exclaimed. On the outside, peering in interestedly, was a little duo, a beggar boy clad only in tattered shorts, held up with a string, and a girl wearing an outsized frock. They were looking in, one in awe of the skates and the other in awe of the icecream, the kids inside were clutching.

In a split second decision, the lights were about to turn green, the young girl lowered the glass and handed out her as yet unopened ice cream to the kids outside. As the car started, the eight year old  leaned out and handed his half eaten one also to the boy. The car whizzed ahead with the eight year old now nestled in her lap. As she hugged him close, for his unselfish act, she thought to herself, "What a world. What an unjust God."

1 comment:

  1. yes totally agree..respite in the most unexpected places, the opposite in expected!
