Wednesday 7 December 2011


Momzilla ? Godzilla is d famed one, who on earth is a Momzilla ?

Let me enlighten u. She is......

The small pixie-like face glared out at us. She was such a doll dat even the most weary amongst us mums waiting in d doctors' clinic couldnt help smiling at her. All of six months old, about, she was bundled up in a cheery yellow jumpsuit, one dat covered her from tiny toe to silky, spiky hair. An extra baby shawl made sure that she was all snug and warm. This in the middle of the most blistering  summer we'd been experiencing, the A C not withstanding !
A loud Piercing wail from her assured us that her vocal chords too, were very healthy. The wail lengthened into a lusty unending scream, one that had her harried , anxious looking mother on her feet, rocking her vigorously. While the others stared, the mum fussed and shouted at her various underlings, of which she had at least four, trying to quieten the child. Orders flew thick and fast, other little babies, dreading the impending vaccine, set up a copycat cacophony. A few mothers indicated that the baby could be hot, which only elicited a "She's got a severe cold" and a scowl.

The doctor emerged, frowning at the cacophony,d baby disappeared, coterie et all, into the innards of the clinic, and peace prevailed.

Twenty minutes of it, before there was a hustle n bustle from within. All eyes turned to the door as the baby emerged. A completely different one from the one that had gone in. A smiling, happy little thing, nappy and singlet clad, Beaming and gurgling she was led to the changing room..

A small wail which started from within the room, changed to a shrill cry, to a shriek, and all eyes rolled heavenwards as the baby emerged, swathed in all her previous finery, with her entourage and her momzilla, who glared defiantly at the room, bfore striding, mercifully, towards the exit.

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