Saturday 18 February 2012

Old Love

She was all of twenty one. Vulnerable, her dreams still intact, she looked at the world with rose colored glasses. He was what the french would call a roue. A man about town, who loved girls, and of course, they loved him back. Her world consisted of books, her idea of romance drawn from the popular Mills & Boon novelletes that were the rage in those times.

When they met, he evinced no interest in her as such. Much too naive, such girls bored him. Something in her, perhaps her innocence, or the dignity of her bearing caught his eye. The conversation between them was in passing, but the sparks that flew surprised both of them.

In spite of himself, he found himself pursuing her, her witticisms and humour had him in thrall. Prettier girls than her, he had met, but none had fended him off so deftly as she did. Which made him pursue her even more. It seemed inevitable, the marriage between them. For in their minds, they couldn't think of anything else. The rest of their lives seemed on hold.

That day, she asked him to meet him at their usual haunt. Stars in her eyes, heart thudding against her ribs, she waited. For a man who never came. After an hour, every hour she called him. His phone rang, but no one picked up. Her imagination running riot, she returned home. And called a mutual friend, who confirmed that he was well, and asleep at home.

Her marriage soon after, took her to another city. Time and kids assuaged the raw wound inside her heart. There were other priorities, which made life beautiful, full once again, and so time the great healer, worked its magic. The years went by.

Approaching middle age, she was as she had always been. Simple but with a dignity about her that turned heads. The Old Girls Reunion, was not something she had intended to attend, but she went, when asked to by old friends, on facebook.

The school brought on waves of nostalgia. Her roots, and her friends, old and valued brought a glow to her heart. Her friends and their husbands, her own too, bonded instantly. Emerging from the wash room, a shadow fell across her path. The man standing, leaning against the wall, turned and their eyes met. Thunder struck, she looked at him, her eyes widening, disconcerted. A small smile played on his lips, as he realised the effect he still had on her. "Lets go. Thanks for waiting for me," said a voice behind her, as a woman, stylish, beautiful, emerged and drawing a hand thru his, led him away. As they reached the door, he turned, cocked an eyebrow at her stricken face, and went inside the room.

The next day, relaxing in her hotel room, she allowed herself the luxury to think about him. How much he had mattered to her then, what seeing him now meant.  The doorbell rang, "Come in," she called. Stunned she realised it was him standing in her doorway. " Coffee, perhaps ?" he asked.

They sat at the cafetaria. "How has life treated you," he asked. Defiantly looking at him, wanting to hurt him, she answered, "I gained far more than I lost, so fair enough, and you ? " A shadow of hurt, a strange longing, passed over his face as he replied, "Im happy for you. In a good space myself."

They met frequently after that always in a public place, many a thought was shared between them, many a barb exchanged. His email soon clarified what he couldnt tell her in person. That unable to have faith in himself, he had removed himself from her life. He couldn't give her the guarantee of a life long allegiance, so he'd backed out. Had he made a mistake, he couldn't say. But care for her he did, and what she had lost by way of a soulmate, she now had in whatever form she wanted. Friend, well wisher, to use her favorite phrase, 'whatever'.

Him up there....., God ? he must have a sadistic sense of humour, she thought.


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