Sunday 5 February 2012


The Bengali is a special kind of human being. In fact a whole new genus came into being when the bengalis came into, well, being. The distinguishing features of a true blue bengali are an inborn love for rabindra sangeet, sung soulfully, in groups. Give a bengali a mike and chances are he will grab it and give anyone listening an earful.

His second passion in life is his beloved rossogolla, his sandesh. Bengal, I believe was the first to introduce, sugar free rossogolla and all other bengali mithai. After all, the bong, as he is lovingly called, could possibly die of diabetes in the long term, but without his daily dose of mithai, he'd be dead within the week !

The third item that has a hold on him... Well, lets just say that his daily prayer would be " God, give us this day, our daily boiled egg, fish, cucumber and banana, or else !......"

All of this, however gives rise to a fascinating personality. Let there be a fracas on the streets, moost of the bystanders would jump into the fray, and voila! street justice would be meted, and the protagonists sent on their way, before you could  say "Mishti Doi", another weakness. Get aboard a tram or a minibus, and chances are you'll soon get embroiled in a hot debate on football, politics, for or anti mamata di, with every bengali worth his macher jhol, giving you his opinion on it. Women are the spoilt gender in kolkata, and woe betide anyone, who indulges in anything more than singing the latest cheesy hindi film song, by way of eveteasing.

 The mini bus that day was packed to the gills, pun intended ! A possessive bengali was unfortunately seated behind his pretty wife, with an eagle eye on the men crowding the aisle. The mini bus is just that: a small bus, careening madly thru the streets, and packing in people until the attendant is hanging out with one leg on the footboard.  Much like a sardine which dosen't know whether it belongs in the can or out! Back to the bengali within the bus. An executive types who seemed to be rubbing knees with his wife, was the fresh object of his suspicions. Suddenly the bus driver, intent on his suicidal mission screeched to a stop as a cow veered almost on to his wind screen. Mayhem followed, as most of those standing were catapulted onto the laps of those seated. Flinging off the man on his lap, the furious husband bounded onto his feet and a battle raged as he castigated the poor executive who had landed onto his wife's lap. After many a verbal volley, back and forth the executive fished into his pocket and came out with a visiting card,  and thrust it into the husbands' face. "Here," he scowled. "Take this ! Come to my house in the evening, have dinner, and sit in my wifes' lap all you want !" As the public around tittered, the  still bristling bengali,  herded his embarrased wife towards the exit and got off, even as the bus zoomed off in to the blue yonder.

1 comment:

  1. you know the Bengali better than the Bengali in me..loved the piece..hilarious!
