Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Beautiful Ugly

Was i ? Truly ? Ugly ...? By all rights, i should have been. I was tall, slim, very hot . But only from the neck down. It was my face that did me in. Small eyes, twinkling ones though, a nondescript nose, a full upper lip, the features were all good, but i guess, God took the left overs and put them all together in me. My best friend on the other hand. Pretty as a picture. So most often, i was the resident wall flower. The one to whom everyone came with their boyfriend / girlfriend woes. The resident shrink of college. Now, that's what you would call red hot. No? Sigh. You would be right of course.

Since joining college,  the date we had been most looking forward to was the ' Fresher's Ball .' To be held in ' Zinc ', the most happening disc in town. For the first time in our lives, we were going unchaperoned to a ball, where there would be boys ! You see our lives so far had been like the old black and white movies of yore, where women undertook the role of men.  Often we read of people struggling out of deserts to be confronted with palm trees, a placid lake with palm trees doing the swaying act. He staggers towards it, palms outstretched, his dust filled eyes, straining to behold the unbelievable, on his lips a prayer, his crazed, deprived mind, making his heart leap at the munificence laid out before him. You get the idea, gentle reader ? That was how we staggered into the disc, dressed in our daring best, teetering in our heels, our hearts roaring in sync 'Bring on the Boys !!'

Soon enough, all of the girls were on the dance floor, dancing wildly. The music, so loud, it made sure our feet wouldn't touch the floor. Alas, it was so dark that we could hardly see our partners. But feel them, we sure could. Mine seemed particularly out of shape from the panting i could hear, the hands clutching me were clammy, just like mine, i thought wryly. Then the lights came on. Blinking at the fierce onslaught  of bright flashing lights, i stood mouth agape. As did my partner. My best friend. My best girl friend make that. In fact, the dance floor consisted of almost all girls ! Bewildered, we turned and found the boys. Crouching over the bars, or should i say, cowering behind the bar. The glazed look in their eyes, had an element of fear. This otherwise docile bunch of well behaved girls, they knew  from everyday life had transformed into banshees, wild beings who gyrated wildly and set the dance floor on fire. " I mean what if we had raped them, for god's sake."

The rest of the night was good fun. The boys, realising that we basically were harmless, let their hair down, and the bravest actually matched their steps with ours. What is it about ugly girls ? There has to be something compelling about them, i guess. I wasn't allowed to sit for a single dance, as the boys actually cued up to dance with me. Like the most ugly one of them told me, "You're so wrong, you're right down beautiful." The beautiful ugly. How i love being one of them !

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