Sunday 22 January 2012

A Feline Story

Without a doubt, she was the diva of the campus, Queen of all she surveyed. God help anyone who poached on her territory. She was the campus cat of the college. Rich black, was her body, and wickedly green shone her startling eyes. Most days she was to be found sunning herself right in the middle of the stairs leading to the college. Students had to deferentially wend there way around her or else..! Once a fresher made the mistake of stepping over her supposedly sleeping form. In a trice she was up and snarling, the fresher retreated, but she refused to forgive, or forget. For the next two  days, she would snarl and chase him round and round the various groups clustered there, much to his mortification, and to the merriment of  his friends. When hungry, she would stalk to the canteen, and fixing a hapless student with her eyes, she would lithely jump up to the table, and tail in air, stalk back to the stairs, taking his meal with her.

Why was she tolerated I wondered. The security man enlightened me, when I enquired of him.

It had been raining heavily that day. The school clerk saw her huddled outside the college, wet and bedraggled. An animal lover, he carried the damsel in distress to the canteen, fed her with warm milk,  and left her in the care of the cook. Later on, during the day, the clerk emerged once again carrying a parcel of money to  be deposited in the bank. Unfortunately, lying in wait for him had been two thieves. As he juggled his umbrella with the parcel, they  mugged him,grabbed the money and turned to flee, when a black ball  of  fury landed on them. Putting her claws to  good use, so went the story, she had them writhing in pain on the ground in moments. The security man did the rest, the cat was proclaimed a heroine, and fame had since gone to  her head.

Sufficiently awed, I went to  confirm the story with the clerk. He guffawed and said" All true, that story, except that the thieves tripped over her as they fled, and that enraged her. You've seen what happens when someone dares to  tread over her." Indeed I had.

1 comment:

  1. hehe hilarious and very well explained bravers..also the link of the trudging on the tail..
