Friday 13 January 2012

The Mixed Breed

There were all sorts congregated there. The women chattered away, in groups, while the children played raucously on the grounds. The society was fortunate enough to have  a park, which the members put to good use, by installing swings, slides, a sand pit for the very small. The only singular thing that distinguished it was that all the residents were muslim, bohra muslim at that.

That day, as was their wont, the children were busy playing. The twelve year olds were singing rhymes as they jumped rope. Suddenly a voice rang out loudly, grabbing everyones' attention, " Who are you ?" demanded the shrill voice of the chid. "You aren't allowed to play here!" Conversation came to a halt as the women turned to look at the invader. A child  of eleven about, stood  surrounded by a curious crowd of children. She was small, slender. Fair of skin with jet black  straight hair framing her face. She was very pretty and obviously chinese of origin, her narrow eyes betraying her genes." I am too", she answered bravely. "We live here too."

Sensing the awkwardness, one of the mothers stepped up to the children and urged them all to start a game together, shushing the belligerent one who  had challenged the new comer. As play resumed, there were two groups, one consisting of the chinese girl with her twin and their little sister, the other of the rest of the children, who studiously avoided them.

From her balcony above, the chinese lady watched the scene below. Anguished she turned to her  Bohra husband, behind her, and said," Must they pay the price for being different all their lives?"

A month passed. The noise of happy laughter resonated from below, as the chinese lady looked out of the balcony. The children were playing Blind Man's Buff, and her litttle ones were amongst them, their shouts resounding around the playground, as they ran around with gusto. They were the most sought after and popular, these days, the others waiting outside their door for them to finish their homework and join them. Maybe, she thought, it helped that they were different.It made them go the extra mile, sharing willingly their toys and food, being kind and helping the others with their homework..

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