Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Alert Security

He sat strumming his digits on the desk. Long, florescent yellow, they hardly made any sound on the shiny, surface. ( all unnecessary sound was sensed by the tiny sensors fitted on his suit and eliminated) In charge of the peripheral security of his planet, his spaceship usually orbited his planet, but the rare reconnaissance trip took him to galaxies, distant and different and immensely exciting to him. This time, he was in the Milky Way. Two of his eyes,aquamarine orbs situated at the end of the antenna coming out of his sleek head, moved constantly giving him a 360 degrees view of the beautiful worlds swirling into his view. Suddenly, into his view came a lovely orb. As it rose into his sight, he leaned back appreciatively to admire it better. Blue clouds floating across a blue brown horizon, he caught glimpses of a world that seemed to have life on it. Tantalised, he adjusted his telescopic eye so that he got a closer look at this world.

He lost track of time, as he zoomed into this world, his invisible space ship giving him a bird's eye view of the huge buildings he saw. Hovering in a stand still mode, he peered into a vast white building, the room within, where several robot like things moved. Strangely they seemed not of metal, but flesh and blood. Leaving his spacecraft in hover mode he sat back trying to make sense of what his eyes beheld. All four of his eyes concentrated on feeding information to his computer like brain. He activated his thought processor, the sensor within his brain, that translated sounds into computer programmes that his brain interpreted as language, algorithms that made sense to him. He prepared to listen.

The president of the United States sat pensively. If he succeeded in his goal, he would have achieved what no other head of state ever had : A world free from the threat of nuclear warfare. The five point agenda with which he would confront leaders of all the countries, even the recalcitrant heads of Iraq, Iran and the various Arabian States, had taken years of research and negotiations to build. The recent Tsunami in Japan which had almost caused a nuclear catastrophe, and would have annihilated several of its neighbours, had caused sufficient panic for this consortium of heads to keep aside their differences and agree to contain a common, man made disaster waiting to happen. Specially if they fell into the hands of terrorists. With a sigh he got up and readied to face his elite guests.

Even more tense then the president was one other person. He was the head of security, whose task it was to protect the president and coordinate with the security staff of the visiting leaders. In spite of all the precautions, he was worried about the security personnel of the various heads. His own were a select, elite group who shadowed the president at all times. But he broke into a sweat, everytime he imagined a terrorist strike here. Almost the entire world would be left without a head.

The alien watched fascinated as the different beings streamed in. Each seemed to be surrounded by men carrying primitive fire guns, that he recognised from the archives back home. What amused and fascinated him was that they were doing the same job as him ! Security.  His X Ray vision enabled him to see even their body parts. What intrigued him about one was that only he was different. Instead of a protecting shield that they all wore, he was wearing what seemed like a machine. Different wires protruded from it and led to a clock that ticked away steadily. He stood hidden inside the wash room, dressed exactly like the rest, in army fatigues, as if on duty there.

The chief of the men gave a long speech waving around the two digits that he had. The one with the wires, edged closer.

His instincts honed by a training far superior than any on earth, his antennae receiving many signals emanating from the one, the alien waited and watched closely.

The chief of security was a very tensed man, specially now that he had received information of a possible terrorist attack by a suicide bomber. He moved constantly around the room where the meeting was in progress, every fiber of his being intensely alert. Acting on impulse he glanced in the washroom. A movement caught his eye. In a flash he was inside, but moving equally fast, the burly terrorist had him pinned against the wall, his hand clamped on his mouth. As the terrorists  knife started to plunge inside the chief's body, it happened. A bolt of high voltage electricity shot thru the room, weaved around the chief and struck the terrorist. He slumped to the ground, his body convulsing as if he had been struck by lightening. Gingerly the chief  bent over him, deactivating the bomb, that he had heard ticking inside his clothes, and gave the signal for a security breach. As hundreds of paratroopers moved in, he didn't have the time to think of what happened.

Later the post mortem revealed that the terrorist had suffered fourth degree burns, which killed him instantly.

As his spaceship took off into the skies, the alien smiled to himself. Life was tough for security personnel everywhere. He had been happy to help one of his ilk.  

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