Saturday 3 March 2012

The Perfectionist

Her earliest memory was one of school. The brightest, if not amongst the most well off, Clare had been chosen to play the part of Juliet. Romeo was the most coveted boy amongst the ten year olds. Never mind then, that she found him a perfect bore, who was always trying to corner her on stage so that he could make out with her. After she had tested the efficacy of a discreet karate move, that had left his manhood benumbed, he had kept a safe distance from her. He and his coterie of friends had however made her life miserable, chanting, "Prissy, prissy, " after her.  She ignored them, as she did those who cold shouldered her in class, because she was the one who knew all the answers. She was the one whom teachers found the most attentive, the most helpful. It is a well known fact though that even as little kids, we find it difficult to admire the winner, the one who strides ahead of the flock. Alas, the black sheep is not always the one who is bad or disobedient, it is the one who is different, who knows what it is she wants of life and goes out to get it.

Her parents had come up the hard way. A train driver married to a nurse, their parents had always wanted the best for this beautiful child of theirs. Slim and tall, her delicate face framed by lustrous blonde curls, her large blue eyes as promising as her full mouth, she was perfect model material. Indeed by the time she was sixteen, she had been approached by an agent who had offered her a place with a leading agency.

But her goals had been quite clearly etched in her mind. She would first complete the studies which would arm her for life ahead. Consistantly she was the best performer, both on stage and off. But her joys were few, as she managed to alienate her peers. In her quest for perfection, she had more rivals than friends. Envy, jealousy, even sheer hatred, she was used to, retreating to her world of books for the friends she craved. Her trouble was that she couldn't suffer fools gladly.

The hunt for 'The Supermodel of the year ' that year offered fabulous prizes. If she won the prize, she could apply to the university of her choice. That in itself was an incentive for her to throw herself into the ring with a host of equally ambitious, beautiful young women.

Cassy was the only child of a single mother, a waitress whose professional hazard was the men who befriended her, leaving her with little time for her child. Cassey was a loser if ever there was one. Constantly making excuses to get out of trouble and homework, she bungled her way thru everything. Smoking, a habit she picked up early in teenage, was her panacea for every rejection and hurt that failed relationships left behind. Copper colored hair, framing a lovely face, her luminous eyes, and curvy body enticed many a boyfriend, but her slothful, aimless existence soon had them running for cover. A school dropout, she was drifting thru life, when her irate mother entered her fot the 'Super Model' of the year contest.

So it was that they met. One perfection personified, the other anything but.

She was so whiny, the other girls were fed up with her within week of the competition. They ganged up against her and like a pack of hyenas preying on the weakest of the lot, they kept thrusting her into situations which would expose her in front of a national audience, for the show was a reality show aired alive on National television every day. During the fitness trials, it was Cassey, who they pointed out was huffing and puffing the most, while Clare was declared the fittest. After a stressful photo shoot it was she who they pointed out was smoking quietly, when they had specifically been asked to give it up. Clare was easily the best, the winner. It was Cassey, whose awkward walk had them in splits, which made her dissolve in tears. Clare was declared so natural, the judges were in awe of her. It was Cassey, who kept calling her mum to ask if she could drop out, because she couldn't take the stress anymore. Clare called her mum to tell her of the trophies already under her belt.

Both of them were hated equally by the rest. Clare because she was by far the strongest contender, Cassey because she was the weakest. Each week as the girls were eliminated one by one, the ones they resented were these two. Clare because she couldn't be defeated and Cassey, because she ought to have been. No one knew why, but Cassey kept inching ahead, in spite of all the excuses she gave for her weaknesses. Maybe it was because the judges saw her transform, once the camera was on her. She exuded a vulnerable sensousness that was as exciting as it was compelling. Clare on the other hand was the ice maiden, someone men would lust after, but never attain. She worked hard, listening intently to the judges, and coming up with shoot after perfect shoot that required little coaching. She nailed the brief so totally, a lady judge actually declared she scared  her, so perfect was she!

Week after week they were eliminated, until it came down to the last two. To everyones surprise Cassey had improved drastically, a fact illustrated by the fact that twice her favorite 'froggie,' that she slept with at night, found itself in the swimming pool, flung there by an enraged girl as she exited the competition.

The Finale was a sell out. People all over the country had rushed home to be on time to view this face off between the two rivals.

They stood facing each other. Clare resplendant in  an electric blue off shoulder gown, that highlighted her blue eyes. Her blond hair cut short to frame her face, the lights glinting off it, shone and glistened. The challenge of the evening, and her conviction of winning it, brought a flush to her cheeks as she stood  there.

Cassey stood almost defiantly. Her gown, the colour of champagne, was cut dangerously low revealing more than it covered. Hands on hips, she faced the audience, her small smile revealing her crooked teeth. Her dark hair curling lovingly around her shoulders, giving her a vulnerability that took your breath away.

One stood serene, confident, sure that she would win . The other, diffident, defiant had nothing to lose.

Clare stood in tears, her face frozen, as the winners were announced. Cassey was in tears, too. Of disbelief. For she had won. Against all odds.
The results had been decided by viewers choice. Not so much that the world loves a loser, but that it hates perfection.

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