Friday 23 March 2012

The Hermit

The cottage lay nestled in the midst of the thicket. Small and unprepossessing, but surrounded by trees. The wind gently rustled thru the trellis of roses that grew around it. A small garden, tended by loving hands, had a profusion of flowers growing on one side. on the other was a patch of grass. He lay on the grass, a hat shielding his face from the rays of the sun that lit up the lawn. A blade of grass stuck out of his mouth. Had the trekker not seen the glint of the glasses that lay next to him, he would have missed seeing him altogether, so still was his stance, so one with his surroundings.

"Asleep ? " was his first thought. Something about the place, made him feel alien, as if he were trespassing, not only on the land but also in the man's domain. Turning around, he made for the back of the cottage. A small vegetable patch led to the window of the kitchen, he saw as he peered in. "Want something, son ? " The intruder swung around to find himself facing the man he had seen in the garden. He was tall and broad shouldered, if thin, and stood there looking askance at him. "Only a drink of water, sir, " he replied, holding up his empty bottle of water. Feeling the need to explain his presence further he said, "  I saw you back there and didn't want to disturb you. I thought i'd find someone else if i  came back here. " With a sigh, the man said, "There isn't anyone else here. Give me that bottle." Going inside the kitchen, he looked back and said, " Well, come on in if you must." The interior, he found to his surprise was beautiful. The kitchen led to a small dining area. The antique table had a vase of freshly cut flowers gracing it. The grandfather clock in the corner added to the old world charm of the room. Everything was spic and span, as if a woman had tended to it with loving hands. But the thing that made him catch his breath was the painting on the wall. It depicted the sea, majestic waves crashing towards the beach, on which rearing its head, in all its glory, was a horse. The azure of the sea, the different shades of blue, the nuances of color, contrasted sharply with the snowy white of the horse. He stood in front of the canvas, mouth agape, awestruck. Turning around to face the man smiling sardonically at him, he said, "This.. this is brilliant, sir ! I paint myself, and this painting takes my breath away ! May i know the name of the artist ? "

"It's an anonymous work. But thanks for your appreciation. " If you don't mind sir, can you tell me why you live here in the back of beyond. Are you here on holiday ? This place is of course, idyllic. A retreat away from the world. "

" Yes.. Yes, of course. I am on holiday. a permanent one. This is my world, where i live. The world, in all its modern glory, holds no interest for me. Once upon a time, i had a family, i was part of the cacaphony of life. Business, conglomerates, jet setting across the world, but never really seeing it. Moneyed, but impoverished because all i saw of the world were busy mammoth airports and cities. I was lucky, i escaped, in time. Now, i've found my peace, the meaning of my existence. No routines or deadlines bind me, harness me and put shackles on my passions. Books, paintings are my world. If i need supplies, i go to town on my horse cart. Otherwise, i am free. "

He awoke with a start. The noisy din of the alarm had him wide awake. The wonder of the night came back to him, as he made no move to get out of bed. Deep in contemplation, he sat unmindful of the time. "Dad ! Dad!" said his son entering his  room.  "Where are you ? You are late already, and if you don't hurry, we'll miss the flight ! If that deal falls thru, we'll lose millions. "

"You go son, I'm not going anywhere. This is it." "What ?" Incredulous, his son stood stunned before him." What's wrong with you? Are you sick or something ?"

"On the contrary, everythings right now. I was confused, and tired beyond words, before.. No more. I know, finally, what im going to do with the rest of my life. I've lived my life, you go live yours."

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